How to install PyMoneroWallet

From PyPI

$ pip3 install pymonerowallet

From sources

  • You need at least Python 3.4.

  • PyMoneroWallet 0.1 was only tested with Monero

  • On some Linux Distribution setuptools package does not come with default python install, you need to install it.

  • Install PIP:

    $ wget -O - | sudo python3.4
  • Install setuptools module:

    $ wget -O - | sudo python3.4
  • Alternatively, Setuptools may be installed to a user-local path:

    $ wget -O - | python3.4 - --user
  • Untar the tarball and go to the source directory with the following commands:

    $ tar zxvf pymonerowallet-0.1.tar.gz
    $ cd pymonerowallet
  • Next, to install PyMoneroWallet on your computer, type the following command with the root user:

    $ python3.4 install